learn more and more about God each day from my children. I can remember one
time being so angry with my oldest son. He said some things he shouldn’t have
said. And, I remember thinking that I was done with him. If he wanted to act
like an adult, then I was going to treat him like one. He could provide for himself.
He could pay his own bills. I was finished. However, as I was driving to work,
it came to me that despite what he had said or what he had done, he was still
my son. I loved him in spite of his wrong attitude and wrong way of thinking.
And, I remember thinking that this is how God is. He loves us even when we mess
up and fall. He loves us despite our faults. I am not saying that we should never
punish our children or let them do whatever they want. Because even though God
does love us, he punishes us for our wrong doing. It is when we recognize our
wrong and repent, he welcomes us back. And, just as these thoughts were
crossing my mind that day, my cellphone rang. It was my son calling to
apologize for his behavior.
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