Dry, Dry Bones
One of my favorite bible stories is
the one about the Valley of Dry Bones. It is found in the book of Ezekiel 37:
1-10. In this biblical story, the prophet Ezekiel is taken to a valley filled
with old bones. The bones are dry and without life. After showing Ezekiel the
bones, God asks him if the bones can live. Ezekiel answers by saying, “You
alone know.” Ezekiel is then instructed to prophesy to the bones. Ezekiel does
as he is instructed and life enters the bones. In the end, a great army stands
before him. Awesome!
What does this story mean? What does
this story say to me? It says that we serve an awesome God. He is able to do
exceedingly, abundantly above all we could ever ask or think. Although the
situation may seem impossible… although the odds are stacked against us, our
God is able. “Is there anything too hard for God?” The answer is no. There is
nothing too hard for God. There is no situation too hard. There is no mountain that
he cannot move. My God can do anything except fail.
As children of the Most High God, we
cannot look at things the way the world looks at things. We must take the
blinders off. We must allow God to wipe away the film of this world. We have to
look at things the way God looks at things.
So, what your boss is acting crazy. Stay
calm and pray. So, your spouse walked out. Yes, it is painful, but before you
grab the phone and dial a friend. Dial Jesus. Speak to that situation. Don’t
allow your situation to dictate to you. You dictate to your situation. Tell
your circumstances what they are going to do. Life and death are in the power
of the tongue. Don’t be swayed by what things look like. Don’t even be led by your
own emotions because even they are deceitful. Cry out to your God and see his
awesome power.
Just because you are in the valley it
doesn’t mean that you have to stay there. Just because it looks dry and dead it
doesn’t mean that it can’t live again. Speak life. Allow God to breathe life
into that situation.
So, as you face that judge don’t fear his
sentence. Don’t go in afraid. Go in with power and life. As you are called in
to your boss’s office, don’t fear. Cover yourself in the blood and go.
Declare unto your
situation: “Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain,
that they may live.” Amen.
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