Saturday, June 6, 2015

Mommy Is This Real?: Learning to Recognize the Truth

Mommy Is This Real?

There used to be a show called Kids Say the Darnest Things. Well, this is definitely true. Kids do say the darnest things. But, I have to give them credit. Sometimes, they can say some of the most profound things that you have ever heard. Just the other day my youngest son was happened by a show on television. I can’t remember what it was at the time, but I didn’t even think he was watching it. Then, out of the blue, he says, “Momma, it that real”. I looked at him and said, “No, son. It’s just a television show.” And, then I thought about what he said: Is this real? Well, is it?

How often have we gotten ourselves involved in situations that leave use confused and disoriented? We, like children, have gotten our reality mixed up with fiction. We have allowed Satan to play mind games with us.

Satan likes to make us think that certain things are real when they are not. He wants us to think that “good people” never finish first. Satan wants us to believe the lies that the world tells us. Lies about how we should dress…Lies about how we should act. Lies. Lies. Lies.

I have listened to my students talking about the latest music video and what the stars are doing. Sadly, so many of them think that what those stars say in their songs or what they see on those videos is how life really is. But, it’s not. That's why we are warned to guard our eyes.

All women are not tots. All women don’t just want money or are nagging baby mommas. Unfortunately, our children have gotten reality mixed up with fiction. And, we are just as guilty.

We have fallen victim to Satan’s lies about reality. But, we must realize that we are not to be like the world, but different. We have to keep our minds clear, and our reality checked.

Here are some truths:

Today’s woman does not have to wear a dress that could double for a top in order to get and keep a man. Besides, a godly man doesn’t want us show off the goodies anyway. Godly women don’t let any and everybody in the Candy Shop.

Our boys need to know that they don’t have to act like a thug in order to be successful. The dope business isn’t the only business a black man can be successful in.

Our children are not dumb. We can turn our schools around. As prayer warriors, we are the ones called to fight for our youth.


The reality is that we must take back our children. We must take back our school. We must take back our community. We must stop sitting idly by and waiting for someone else to save us. The reality is that we must wake up. We must arm ourselves with the word. We must teach our children the truth and help them put on the whole armor of God. We must help to recognize that “No, Satan’s tricks aren’t real.”
Ephesians 6: 10-18
Psalms 101: 3

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