Sunday, September 27, 2015

God Truly Knows Us

God Knows You

You know it is amazing how we say we love God, but we don’t really know him. We read our Bibles. We go to church. We pray. We may even fast, but we can’t really grasp the depth of Him. We don’t understand that he know us. And, in spite of everything we have done, He still loves us. God loves us, and he really knows us. He knows our shortcomings. He knows when we lie. He knows when we curse. He knows when we go places we shouldn’t go or watch things we shouldn’t watch. And, guess what! He loves us anyway.

Yes, God knows us. He knows all about us. Before he formed us in our mother’s womb, he knew us. He knew we would mess up, and he still loves us. He has plans for us. God wants to give us a future and a hope. He wants our lives to be full. He wants us to prosper. He doesn’t want us broke, busted, or disgusted. He wants the best for us. So, instead of crying like a baby when we don’t get what we feel like we deserve, remember that God sees all and knows all. He knows that it is either not the right time or it is something that is not good for us and where he wants to take us.

We must lean on God and not our own understanding. No, his thoughts are not our thoughts. His ways are not our ways. His thoughts are must higher than ours. He knows the end from the beginning.

I recently received a traffic fine for something that I felt was not really my fault. And, to be honest, I could have been anger. I mean, it happened on payday. It costs me large chunk of money…so much money that I was wondering how I was going to pay some of my bills. I only get paid once a month, and I live on a tight budget. However, instead of getting angry, I thanked God. I thanked him that it was payday. I thanked him that I did have the money to pay the fine, and I trusted him that everything was going to be alright. Yes, I hated having to give up such a large sum of money, but I was thankful that I had a job to be able to pay anything at all. I also realized that God knew I would get this fine. God knew how much it would cost me, so he made sure that it happened on payday.

I am so grateful that I serve a God that knows my future. He knows where the stumbling blocks are. He knows who I can trust and who I can’t. He knows everything. So, I can’t help but to trust him.


Jeremiah 1:5

Isaiah 55:8

Jeremiah 29:11

Isaiah 46:10

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