Wednesday, December 30, 2015

What Grade Would God Give You?

What’s Your Grade?

As a teacher, I often find myself lecturing my students about studying. I continuously stress the importance of being prepared for class and life. Well, while I was sitting the other day, the spirit spoke to me. It asked me, “What was my grade?” At first, I was confused. Then, it came to me. I was always lecturing my students about studying and being prepared, but was I prepared myself?
If life were a “real classroom”, what would my grade be?

Students who make “A’s” are either naturally smart or they put a lot of time and effort into their studies. Students who make “B” are students who also put in a lot of time studying. However, they might miss it on a few points. The “C” students do what the majority of their classmates do. They study a little and “wing” the rest of it. (Of course, there are exceptions.) The “D” student spends almost no time studying. They study just enough to squeeze by. And, the “F” student has fails. Now, knowing this, what is your grade?

Think about the amount of time you spend praying, reading God’s word, going to worship, and helping others. What is your grade? Do you pray as much as you should? Do you regularly attend worship? Okay, you went to worship once this week, but was that all? Do you confine God to one day a week? How much time do you spend studying the word? How much time do you spend in silent mediation with God? When you are alone with him, who talks the most…you or him?

Well, now that you have graded yourself, forgive yourself. None of us are perfect. We all fall down. As the scriptures tell us in Romans 3: 23, we have all fallen short of the glory of God. However, that is not an excuse to continue doing what we have been doing. If our grade is not an “A”, we can do better. We must make a commitment to spend more time studying God’s word. We must be willing to spend more time in pray. We must be willing to push our plates back and fast as needed. We have to be willing to sacrifice our time, talent, and…wait for it…money in order to be good steward to our God. Stop waiting for a disaster to strike to pray. Pray now. Stop talking and let God speak to your spirit. Open your heart to him.

Yes, I know you are pressed for time. I know, the kids are running all over the place and you can’t seem to find the time. But, what if God didn’t have time for us? Just begin small. Start setting aside 5-10 minutes a day to study God’s word and watch your life transform.

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