Sunday, May 3, 2015

Even This: Even the Bad Things are Working for Your Good

Even This

Each of us have times in our lives when we experience something that we feel is unfair or simply unbearable. I know I have. I have experienced times in my career when people bullied me, mistreated me, or did things to try to get me fired or make me look bad. I can remember wondering why. I couldn’t understand why people who could care less about their jobs or who didn’t like teaching or children that seem to be sailing through work every day. No one came to harass them. No one questioned their every choice. But, me, that was a different story. I just didn’t get it. I loved teaching. I loved children. So, why was I the one always singled out?

Now that I have grown in Christ, I can see what was really going on. Yes, I was a Christian at the time, but I wasn’t as mature as I am now. So, what do I now see? I see Christ. I see that God was in the mist of the trouble preparing me for a blessing. I see that instead of stressing and fighting and not sleeping I should have had faith in God. I should have kicked in cruise because “all things work together for the good of those that love the Lord”.

I know Joseph must have felt abandon and lost during those years he spent in the prison in Egypt. I have never been to prison, but I can imagine the loneliness he felt being away from his family. I can imagine the disappointment he felt when he remembered his dreams of greatness. I am sure there were times he even questioned God’s purpose.

But, what Joseph didn’t know was that God was putting him in position. He was putting him in the right place at the right time. He was stuck in Egypt to save his family when the famine came. He was in prison learning some humility. Joseph was having an “Even This” experience.

I have had some “Even This” experience. Those experiences have help to make me stronger. They were increasing my faith.

As my pastor, Dr. Robert Nix, likes to say, “It didn’t happen by chance”. Even the bad things turn into blessings.

So, as you face the problems of today, remember that “even this” is working for your good. Amen. Amen.

Genesis 37

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