Sunday, May 24, 2015

Thank God for Your Haters


Thank God for Your Haters

How often have we encountered people who make us mad…people who hurt us…or people who downright hate us? If you are like me, you seem to run into these people at the time when you think that you are making personal or professional gains. I can remember thinking one time, “Dog, if it wasn’t for --, this would be an awesome place to work.” I didn’t realize that I was allowing someone to dictate my day. I was giving this person power over me. The reality is that our haters are a part of our lives, and we should thank God for them.

I know you are probably thinking that I am crazy. Who need haters? Who wants haters? I do. We all do. Why? Because it is the people who annoy us or who plot against us that help us to reach our full potential. They force us to work harder and give it our best. They force us to pray more and with more sincerity. It is our haters that propel us into our destiny.

I can remember working on a project at work. I was doing the project, but I wasn’t all that concerned about it. However, my nemesis decided to make a comment about how much better the project would be if she was the one doing it. Well, what do you think this made me do? It made me care. It made me suddenly want to give it my best. I worked so much harder on that project just to show her that I was just as capable as she was.

When we look at the bible, we see so many examples of people having to deal with “haters”. Take Joseph, for example, he was hated by his brothers. His brothers went as far as to plot his murder. Thankfully, Joseph wasn’t murdered, but he was sold into Egypt as a slave. Why? This all happened because his brothers recognized a greatness in him, and they were jealous. This also happened because Joseph was arrogant. Joseph was blessed. He knew he was blessed. And, he wanted everyone else to know he was blessed. Joseph’s arrogant attitude was not what God wanted. He needed a humble man. So, he allowed him to learn humility as a slave and as a prisoner. Despite everything he went through, Joseph eventually rose to the greatness that had been promised him.

If Joseph’s brothers had not sold him into slavery, he would never have been in Egypt at the time God needed him. If Joseph’s haters, his brothers, had not been jealous, a whole nation would have perished. God, in his infinite wisdom, knew what was ahead. So, he positioned Joseph to be at the right place at the right time. What Joseph’s enemies meant for his harm worked out for his good.

So, as we face the challenges of today and the people who hate us, remember they are only there as stepping stones. They are helping to take us to the next level. Your haters are just a set up for your blessing.

Psalms 23: 5

You prepare a table before me
    in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
    my cup overflows

Genesis 50:20

"As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.”

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